The Foundation has a software division that publishes mobile and desktop applications. All software available here is considered demonstration software and may not be reflective of the final production ready application.
The software is provided as is and may have bugs or unexpected errors as we develop them to become ready for release.
We do recommend MacOS for the best performance. Please ensure that you have read the installation errors section - especially for MacOS as the file may get quarantined by the operating system automatically - this may stop the program from launching.
Written with the Python programming language, the application uses the pose estimation library mediapipe by Google to identify the body landmarks (ie, capture dots) and calculates the angles in real-time.
Whereas mobile software can often be far less than real-time (the actual landmarks are heavily interpolated), the mediapipe library is now very robust and with advances in modern computing power, especially the ARM based CPUs available for Mac OS and coming soon for Windows, it presents another option for tools at the disposal of clinicians who need access to tools that assist with making 2D gait analysis.
Designed for the newer, M series Macs
This will provide the best performance
Mac OS Ventura (13+)
M1 / M2 CPU (Pro, Max variants recommended)
8GB+ Ram (32GB - 96GB recommended)
1TB SSD recommended (Recording capability is limited by speed)
The capture window will auto-scale 720p / 1080p
Designed for high-end PC laptops
Microsoft Windows 11
i7 or i9 CPU (13th or 14th Gen intel recommended)
16GB Ram (32GB - 64GB Ram recommended)
1TB SSD recommended (Recording capability is limited by speed)
Webcam of at least 1280x720 resolution. Webcams on PC are unlikely to auto-scale
Designed for the older, non-M series Macs
Mac OS Ventura (13+)
i7 or i9 CPU (13th or 14th Gen intel recommended)
16GB Ram (32GB - 64GB Ram recommended)
1TB SSD recommended (Recording capability is limited by speed)
Webcam capture will attempt to auto-scale.
The demo software may trigger a Windows defender warning - please click on trust this software and it will run as intended. The final release software will not have these warnings.
Only for new versions of the M-series and non-M series downloads
As with the Windows Defender warning message, you may also get a similar warning from the Mac OS. See the image instructions below for a step by step guide - this is required only on the first run of the app.
1. When clicking on the .app file after unzipping, you may be presented with a software warning (see pic 1). Just click OK
2. You will need to go to your settings and find the Security and Privacy icon. Click on that to allow the app to load.
3. Make sure you have selected the "General" tab and click on the "Open Anyway" tab that is next to the "HSF2D_gait_app" was blocked from use because it is not from an identified developer warning message
4. Go back to the .app file - double click and when you see the pop up message with Open / Show in Finder and Cancel - Click OPEN.
And voila.... the app has now been installed correctly. This is only required on the first install and open of the app. After that you can open the app as normal.
Only for older versions (no longer recommended - but may be needed if app is auto-quarantined)
As with the Windows Defender warning message, you may also get a similar warning from the Mac OS. Go to your security settings and click allow (as Mac OS blocked the initial loading of the application).
If the HSF2D_gait.app file does not run and MacOS states that the file is damaged and can't be opened, you will need to unquarantine the application first. Please do the following (do not press enter until the end):
1. Open the terminal (type terminal in the MAC search icon at the top right of the system menu bar)
2. Type the following exactly:
xattr -d com.apple.quarantine
3. Press the space bar once (the line should now be as above but with a space at the end)
4. Then drag in the HSF2D_gait.app file
5. Press Enter
Now the application has been unquarantined. You can now launch the application.
Once again, the final release, non-demo software will not have these warnings.
Video instructions to un-quarantine the application on MacOS.
Please email us at info@healthystridesfoundation.com with feedback, we'd love to hear your thoughts about the software. It is currently in a demo state and will undergo several changes and updates prior to release and your feedback will help improve the app!
You can select from one or more "landmarks" (effectively tracking dots for joints) to track for the real-time video or to embed into the recorded video.
Most built-in cameras use 0 ("zero") but you may have other cameras installed or connected to your device. Select one of 6 camera sources.
This button will now begin the 2D machine learning / AI based tracking. If no video feed commences, you may have selected the wrong video source/camera. If no video feed begins (it may take a few seconds to connect to your camera), then your hardware is not compatible.
We recommend that you use the built-in camera/webcam to your laptop to test that the software is installed correctly. Selecting non-zero video sources will allow you to select other USB cameras.
This option will allow you to select a pre-recorded video to analyse. Selecting "Load video file" and then clicking "Start Video Feed" will now bypass the camera and analyse a video file instead. Once the "Start Video Feed" button is pressed, the app will ask you for the location of the file to analyse.
For Mac - the file format is currently limited to .MP4 files and on Windows - the file format is currently limited to .AVI (other file formats may be added at a later date).
PRO TIP > use the free program "HandBrake" to convert any stored video files to the required format for analysis. The app is available for FREE on both Mac and Windows.
This option will allow you to record the analysis to a video file. It is limited to .AVI for Windows and .MP4 for Mac. Other file formats may be added at a later date.
PRO TIP > you can combine the "Load video file" and "Record video file" options. Pressing the "Start Video feed" button, the app will first ask for the location of the file to analyse and will then ask you for the location to save your analysed video file to. This is handy if you wish to keep a copy of the analysis for future reference or to send to a colleague/family member.
To exit the analysis window (after pressing "Start Video Feed") you will need to press the "q" button. This will quit the analysis window and allow you to either commence analysing a new video or live capture or exit the program.
To end the program - which is recommended if you are not actively using the application, press the "Exit App" button. This only works if the app is not currently analysing footage.
NB. the information tab in the menu was not updated with new instructions for the saving and loading of files. The app now automatically opens the file dialog window on both Mac and Windows.
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