Corrin graduated from Curtin University in 2014 with a Bachelor of Science (Occupational Therapy) with First Class Honours. Her honours looked at the current practice of therapists in the measurement of somatosensation in children with cerebral palsy and other neurological disorders. She published this research in the Australian Occupational Therapy Journal. Corrin is passionate about being involved in evidence-based practice and has a keen interest in upper limb rehabilitation and assessment, early intervention and the uptake of technology to improve the outcomes of children with neurological disorders.
Soon after graduating, Corrin embarked on her PhD studies. Her thesis investigated the use of wearable sensors to measure upper limb range of motion in young children with cerebral palsy and was published in 2018. During her PhD studies, she published several papers in 2018 and 2019 and presented her findings at the Australasian Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AusACPDM) conference in Auckland New Zealand in 2018.
Corrin has worked as an occupational therapist in a research capacity on several national research trials run through Perth Children’s Hospital including the Randomised trial Rehabilitation Early for Congenital Hemiplegia (REACH), Hand Arm Bimanual Intensive Training Including Lower Extremity (HABIT-ILE) and Discovering the Sense of Touch.
In addition to presenting her PhD findings in Poznan Poland at the European Academy of Childhood Disabilities (EACD2020), Corrin has been a valuable addition to the Healthy Strides clinical and research teams, bringing with her an enthusiasm for research and is excited to bring evidence-based care into the community.
Corrin has recently completed her PhD in April 2020.
Corrin started the role of Research Coordinator in 2022 where she coordinates research projects within Healthy Strides. This includes the coordination of Active Strides CP which is a nationally run research study.
Corrin started her post doctorate at the Healthy Strides Foundation in 2022 and is working on developing a learning health care system known as ‘The Power of One’. Corrin is also involved in the supervision of a physiotherapy honours student and masters student.
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Season 3 of the podcast has kicked off! This week we have a chat all about - the F-words: FRIENDS!
Participation means being involved in life, whether it's simply being present or actively interacting... As parents and health professionals, we can ensure that the therapies we choose contribute to our children's ability to be involved in meaningful experiences and friendships!
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